Selasa, 24 November 2009


Format The format of a piece of correspondence is the way it is organized and arranged. There are three formats for business correspondence: blok, semi blok and indented.
The format includes how the letter is typed and where the margins are. A margin is the blank space around a letter. There are four margins in a letter: top, bottom,left and right. The format and the width of the margins will depend on your office stationery and office style:

  • Block This letter is written in block style. Everything begins at the left margin. This is called flush left.

John Moms & Co.Ltd
36 Tower Street
Toronto, 4 Canada

24th May 1999

Messrs. Longmans Green & Co. Ltd
6 & 7 Clifford Street London W.I

Dear Sirs,

We understand that you are producing national key telephone and should be pleased if you would send us full particulars of the quqntity prices and the time you required after receiving our order. We should also like to know you term of payment.
If the quality, prices and the term of payment are satisfactory we would expect to place our substantial with you.

Thank you in advance for any information you can give us.

Yours Faithfully
P.p John Moms & Co. Ltd

Paul Morits
Chief Buyer

  • Semi-Block This letter is written in semi-block style. Everything begins at the left margin, except for the date and the complimentary close and signature.
  • Indented This letter is written in indented style. Every paragraph is indented.

Parts The letter is labeled with the letter parts below.

Return Address The return address contains :
Your street address
Your city, state and ZIP code

Date The date of a letter is the date the letter is written. The date is below the return address. Always spell out the month in the date at the beginning of a business letter.
It is also better to spell out the month in dates in the body of the letter. In correspondence between countries that use different styles, dates can be confusing when only numbers are used.

Inside Address The inside address contains the following addressee information:
Title, First Name, Last Name
Job Title
Company Name
Street Address
City, State ZIP Code

Salutation The salutation is the phrase, including the addressee’s name, that is used at the beginning of a latter. Use a colon at the end of the name (Dear Mr. Bhatia:).

Body The body of a letter tells why you are writin. There are generally four parts to the body of a letter.
1. Opening
2. Focus
3. Action
4. Closing

Complimentary Close The complimentary close is the phrase you use after you end the body of the letter and before you sign your name. like the salutation, there are three types of complimentary closes: formal, standard, and informal.

Signature/typed Name The writer’s name and job title (or department) are typed at the bottom of the letter. He or she then signs the letter directly above the typed name.

Cc’s The letters cc stand for carbon copy. Carbon paper is a type of paper is a type of paper that was used to make copies before photocopiers and computer printers existed. Today, a “cc:” tells us who else received a copy of the letter. Note: cc: is not capitalized, and is always followed by a colon (:).

Senin, 23 November 2009

Computer Development

Computer comes from the word for calculating means calculates, so the computer can be called calculating machines. Computer science is the knowledge in the use and procedures for computer his work knowledge about how computers work, we also call EDP Electronic Data Processing abbreviated. -State in the country that has been advanced, computer science has entered all areas of society do, whether in business, medicine, military, etc., even in outer space even.

There are four important things on the computer:

1. construction equipment with electronic

2. Internal storage

3. operating system

4. program

Computer types

Computer division by type can be done by:

· workings

· purpose

· and working memory capacity

Based way of working, we can be the computer for three types, namely:

1. analog computer is a computer that operates in parallel or the same physical size or the number received

2. Digital computer is a computer operating or working with numbers or other signs such as letters, punctuation and other special characters in the operations in identified as number

3. Hybrid Computers is a combination of both types are on the computer

Computer Generation

· first generation computer

Computers with electronic components that form Vacum Tubes we call the beginning computer. Equipment generation of computer equipment is still in a very large size and require a large room or place. The nature of the computer is a lot of heat, thus forcing people to provide cooling equipment (AC) that many

· second-generation computer

The characteristics of second generation computers is higher speed in carrying out data processing, not too hot, and memory capacity grows. Computer generation has also been known Teleprocessing, the distance data between one computer to another

· third-generation computer

The progress of electronics technology continues to grow until someone can find computer components are very small, which is solid and monolithic Technologie LOGIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT. By using this component also increase the size of a small computer, the memory capacity becomes very large and the process can be done quickly and precisely

· four generations

The first generation made with electronic tubes. The second-generation computer built with transistors. Third-generation computer built with integrated circuits. Fourth generation computer integrated circuits made with high


There are two kinds of computer digital computer and analog computer

Analog computer processing of analogue voltage signals, which can have any voltage between two particular voltage


CPU (Central Processing Unit) or a computer's central processing units perform similar activities and events fikir. Implemented here as the number of arithmetic operations and subtraction, multiplication, multiplication, and so forth, logic operations such as AND, OR, XOR, etc. san and also controls all the computer


Begian computer memory outside the CPU where programs store data. Memory section can be achieved directly by the CPU is called the main memory or main memory

Sabtu, 14 November 2009

cheese for hundreds of years

People have been eating cheese for hundreds of years. In some parts of the world, people eat cheese more frequently than meat. Cheese comes from milk, and it has all the things for good health that milk has. A long time ago, Greek sports players ate cheese to become strong. There are about 500 kids of cheese. Most cheese come from the milk of cows, but some come from the milk of other animals like sheep. The way workers make cheese is the same for all cheeses. Years ago, workers made cheese on the farm where the cows were. Now, workers make cheese in big shops. The Netherlands started the cheese business a long time ago, and Dutch cheese is still popular all over the word. In the United State of Wisconsin makes the most cheese. The color of cheese varies from white to dark yellow. Cheese is terrific for picnics and snacks, as well as for dinner.

My Description

Hi, my name is Eva Budi Mulyati. You can call me Eva. I was born in Jakarta at 24 Oct 1988. I live together with my parents. Brother and my sister. I live in Cijantung east Jakarta. I have one brother, his name Hary Pangestu and my sister is Mila Afdilah. Right now i am lecture in Gunadarma University Depok. I take direction informatika management and i take this direction because have many work opportunity and i want to know. Knowledge of computer in Information technology field.